
Business Schools Ranking in Chile

Students can choose between 25 state universities and over 50 private ones, which continue to grow in number. There is one single and very transparent admission system to all state universities, which integrate the so called Council of Rectors (Consejo de Rectores). The system, called PSU, an acronym for Universitary Selection Test (Prueba de Selección Universitaria), is very similar to the U.S. SAT Reasoning Test. The design and correction of the test is performed by the University of Chile, while the system itself is managed by the Ministry of Education (Ministerio de Educación). The test consists of two mandatory exams, mathematics and language, plus several other specific exams, like chemistry, physics, biology, and history, depending on which career the student wishes to focus. The cumulative grade point average achieved during secondary school is also taken into account in the final admission score.

Every university assigns different weightings to the results of the various exams. There is a big gap in PSU scores between poorer students, mostly coming from public schools, and more wealthy students, especially those coming from private schools; therefore, poorer students have much smaller chances to enter the most prestigious universities, which require high entry scores.

However, poor students who achieve high PSU scores can obtain up to a 100% scholarship from the Government. In addition, several universities have their own scholarship programs to assist poorer students, though funds are insufficient. According to media and official statistics, in 2006 a total of 241,390 students took the PSU test.

Usefuls links for studying in Chile:

Academic Institutions per Palmes of Excellence League in Chile 7 schools

Schools with 5 Palmes
Schools with 4 Palmes
Schools with 3 Palmes
Schools with 2 Palmes
Schools with 1 Palme

Business Schools Ranking in Chile

5 Palmes Of Excellence UNIVERSAL Business School

Rank Position in
Palmes’ League
Deans’ Recommendation
rate 2024

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Escuela de Administración

1 400 ‰

4 Palmes Of Excellence TOP Business School

Rank Position in
Palmes’ League
Deans’ Recommendation
rate 2024

Universidad Adolfo Ibañez Business School

1 326 ‰

University of Chile School of Economics and Business

2 221 ‰

3 Palmes Of Excellence EXCELLENT Business School

Rank Position in
Palmes’ League
Deans’ Recommendation
rate 2024

ESE Business School - Universidad de Los Andes

1 295 ‰

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso - Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y Administrativas

2 179 ‰

Universidad de Santiago de Chile - Facultad de Administración y Economía

3 158 ‰

Universidad Alberto Hurtado - Facultad de Economía y Negocios

4 84 ‰

The Eduniversal Selected Schools list aims to highlight institutions by country are not yet eligible for a Palmes of Excellence League entry but are on a positive path toward achieving it.
The schools on the Eduniversal Selected list have been recognized by Eduniversal for their innovative projects, disruptive energy, and growing potential.
Facultad de Economía y Negocios Universidad Finis Terrae
Faculty of Business Sciences- Universidad del Bío-Bío
Faculty of Economics and Administration- Universidad Austral de Chile
Faculty of Economics and Administration-Universidad de Concepción
School of Economics and Business- Universidad Diego Portales
Universidad Andrés Bello
Universidad de La Frontera