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Luxembourg's education system is trilingual: the first years of primary school are in Luxembourgish, before changing to German, while in secondary school, the language of instruction changes to French. However, as proficiency in all three languages is required for graduation from secondary school, half the students leave school without a certified qualification, with the children of immigrants being particularly disadvantaged. In addition to the three official languages, English is taught in the compulsory schooling and much of the population of Luxembourg can speak English, at any rate in Luxembourg City.
Useful Sites for Studying in Luxembourg
Study in Luxembourg: http://www.studyineurope.eu/study-in-luxembourg
Visit Luxembourg: http://www.visitluxembourg.com/
National Tourism Office: http://www.ont.lu/
Scholarships for Studying in Luxembourg
Study in Luxembourg: http://www.collegescholarships.org/scholarships/country/luxembourg.htm
2 Palmes Of Excellence GOOD Business School |
Rank Position in
Palmes’ League |
Deans’ Recommendation
rate 2024 |
Sacred Heart University Luxembourg - Jack Welch College of Business and Technology |
1 | 263 ‰ |
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