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Education System in Puerto Rico
Instruction in Puerto Rico is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 18, which comprises the elementary and high school grades. Students in Puerto Rico may attend either public or private schools. As of 2003, there were 1521 public schools and 562 private schools in the island. Unlike most schools in the United States, public school instruction in Puerto Rico is conducted entirely in Spanish. English is taught as a second language and is a compulsory subject at all levels. The largest public university in Puerto Rico is the multi-campus University of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico has over 50 institutions of higher learning. Most universities in Puerto Rico are accredited by US authorities and they offer quality educational programs. Its very easy to find Spanish courses as well as learn to dance salsa. Puerto Rico has 3 ABA-accredited law schools which are very competitive. The University of Puerto Rico Law School is very friendly towards international students and is a great option for foreigners looking for a quality, cheap education (subsidized by the government) that is less than 10 minutes from a beach!
Useful Sites for Studying in Puerto Rico:
Tourism: http://www.seepuertorico.com/
Scholarship: http://www.scholarshipportal.com/scholarships/puerto-rico
2 Palmes Of Excellence GOOD Business School |
Rank Position in
Palmes’ League |
Deans’ Recommendation
rate 2024 |
Universidad De Puerto Rico - Recinto De Río Piedras Facultad De Administración De Empresas |
1 | 105 ‰ |
Pontificia Universidad Católica De Puerto Rico Colegio De Administración De Empresas |
2 | 95 ‰ |
Universidad De Puerto Rico - Recinto Mayagüez Colegio De Administración De Empresas |
3 | 53 ‰ |
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