In 2007, Eduniversal introduced the Eduniversal ranking of the 1000 best Business Schools, offering students worldwide a global map of the best academic institutions.
Since then, meeting twice a year, our experts from Eduniversal’s International Scientific Committee (ISC) exchange their views and expertise on the evolution of the ranked schools, introducing new schools into the official selection of the 1000 best Business Schools, upgrading some others in their level of Palmes of Excellence, to improve the services Eduniversal offers to students.
But over the years, the world of higher education has changed vastly: advancements in the education system in a number of countries, increase in the number of higher education institutions, merging of institutions and schools refining their educational offer, change in the students’ expectations and perceptions, increase of the significance of the mobility at an international level… As a result, faced with these developments, the members of the ISC have had a series of meetings and discussions, to help find the best ways Eduniversal can continue achieving its mission of providing its services to students all around the world. The works of the members of the Scientific Committee has also led to identifying new institutions that have not yet met the essential criteria to find their way into the ranking of the 1000 Best Business Schools, but are nearing to claiming a spot: the promising schools!
Recognised as the Eduniversal Selected schools, this list aims to highlight by country, institutions that can not currently obtain a Palmes of Excellence, but are following a positive course in getting there. The schools in the Eduniversal Selected list have been recognised by Eduniversal for bringing new and disruptive energy, their innovative projects and their growing potential.
The establishment of the Eduniversal Selected Schools list followed different steps :
In 2015, Eduniversal started the process of identifying schools to be included in this new ranking league: all higher education institutions, excluding those already classified by Eduniversal, were listed and categorised by country.
This first research project conducted by the Eduniversal team, spanned beyond management institutions: all types of institutions were studied, whether they be engineering, specialized schools or other. All institutions that had the vocation to train management people through some of their programs were also included.
The list of these institutions were then made available to the Deans & Directors of the year 2016 Best 1000 Business Schools, in order to benefit from their expertise and market knowledge.
This information was collected in conjunction with their Deans' Vote recommendations, and allowed the Eduniversal team to continue with the project and establish a list of the most deserving institutions.
Nearly 57% of the deans and directors who participated in the 2017 Deans' Vote took the time to participate in this study and recommend promising institutions.
Then, the nine expert members of the International Scientific Committee, after debating at various Committee meetings a number of criteria, took over and finalised the first Eduniversal Selected list, with each member focusing on their zones.
The first Eduniversal Selected Schools list was revealed in 2017, during the 10th Eduniversal World Convention (EWC).
For each country, the Eduniversal Selected Schools list will be reviewed every year by members of the ISC so as to follow institutions’ evolutions.
For the 2019 Eduniversal Selected Schools list, Deans & Directors of the 2019 Best 1000 Business Schools had been once again invited to give their views about the already selected schools but also to submit to the analysis new institutions which were outside the Eduniversal system.
As for the first Eduniversal Selected Schools list (2017), the nine expert members of the International Scientific Committee finalised the 2018 list for a revelation during the 11th Eduniversal World Convention.