
Business Schools Ranking in Georgia

Serving 341,930 full time students, the 127 colleges and universities of Georgia offer choices for all types of student. Studies in 300 different specialities are offered in higher education institutions. They include fields which are highly specialized, such as the study of Kartvelian languages (related to Georgian) and Caucasian languages, as well as traditional Science and Technology subjects. Technical and specialized institutes offer studies in Metallurgy, Railway Transport, Chemical and Food Technology, and Wine Making, Silkworm Breeding, the growing of tea and citrus fruits. Courses in Fine Arts (Theatre, Cinematography, Painting, and Sculpture) are provided by specialized higher education institutions.

Useful Sites for Studying in Georgia
Department of Planning and Financing, Ministry of Education:

Scholarships for Studying in Georgia
Study in Georgia:

Academic Institutions per Palmes of Excellence League in Georgia 2 schools

Schools with 5 Palmes
Schools with 4 Palmes
Schools with 3 Palmes
Schools with 2 Palmes
Schools with 1 Palme

Business Schools Ranking in Georgia

3 Palmes Of Excellence EXCELLENT Business School

Rank Position in
Palmes’ League
Deans’ Recommendation
rate 2024

Caucasus University - Caucasus School of Business

1 168 ‰

2 Palmes Of Excellence GOOD Business School

Rank Position in
Palmes’ League
Deans’ Recommendation
rate 2024

Free University of Tbilisi Business School (ESM)

1 95 ‰

The Eduniversal Selected Schools list aims to highlight institutions by country are not yet eligible for a Palmes of Excellence League entry but are on a positive path toward achieving it.
The schools on the Eduniversal Selected list have been recognized by Eduniversal for their innovative projects, disruptive energy, and growing potential.
Faculty of Economics and Business - Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Faculty of Social Sciences, Business Law - International Black Sea University
School of Business - Georgian American University