
Business Schools Ranking in Uzbekistan

The Education System in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan has a high Literacy rate with about 88% of adults above the age of 15 being able to read and write. This rate is about 99,94% for people ages 15-24. However with only 76% of the under 15 population currently enrolled in education this figure may drop in the future. Uzbekistan has encountered severe budgeting shortfalls in its education program. The education law of 1992 began the process of Theoretical reform, but the physical base has deteriorated, and curriculum revision has been slow.


Useful Sites for Studying in Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan Tourism:

Academic Institutions per Palmes of Excellence League in Uzbekistan 3 schools

Schools with 5 Palmes
Schools with 4 Palmes
Schools with 3 Palmes
Schools with 2 Palmes
Schools with 1 Palme

Business Schools Ranking in Uzbekistan

2 Palmes Of Excellence GOOD Business School

Rank Position in
Palmes’ League
Deans’ Recommendation
rate 2024

Tashkent State University of Economics

1 95 ‰

Tashkent Financial Institute

2 84 ‰

1 Palme Of Excellence LOCAL Reference

Rank Position in
Palmes’ League
Deans’ Recommendation
rate 2024

Samarkand State University - Faculty of Economics and Business

1 126 ‰

The Eduniversal Selected Schools list aims to highlight institutions by country are not yet eligible for a Palmes of Excellence League entry but are on a positive path toward achieving it.
The schools on the Eduniversal Selected list have been recognized by Eduniversal for their innovative projects, disruptive energy, and growing potential.
Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent
National University of Uzbekistan