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The higher education in Malaysia is largely subsidized by the government. Applicants for admission to public universities must have completed the undergraduate program in Malaysia or being ranked as a STPM. A level of excellence achieved in these tests does not guarantee a place at a public university. Selection criteria
are very opaque because there is no predefined guideline. Students can take courses in private institutions of higher education. Many institutions offer these courses in cooperation with a foreign institute or university. Some of them are the campus of these foreign institute or university. Several private schools offer programs where students do part of their course in Malaysia and the other one in an institution partner. The nature of these programs is quite diverse and ranges from a program of 'twinning' where all full credits and transcripts are transferable and automatic admission, to 'associate degree' that can be accepted by the University of partner.
Useful Sites for Studying in Malaysia:
Tourisme in Malaisie : http://www.tourism.gov.my
Kuala Lumpur : http://www.kuala-lumpur.ws
Metro Malaysia : http://metromalaysia.com
Scholarships for Studying in Malaysia: http://www.collegescholarships.org/scholarships/country/malaysia.htm ; https://www.studymalaysia.com/scholarships/
4 Palmes Of Excellence TOP Business School |
Rank Position in
Palmes’ League |
Deans’ Recommendation
rate 2024 |
1 | 179 ‰ |
3 Palmes Of Excellence EXCELLENT Business School |
Rank Position in
Palmes’ League |
Deans’ Recommendation
rate 2024 |
1 | 200 ‰ | |
Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) - School of Management and Graduate School of Business |
2 | 179 ‰ |
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Azman Hashim International Business School |
3 | 105 ‰ |
2 Palmes Of Excellence GOOD Business School |
Rank Position in
Palmes’ League |
Deans’ Recommendation
rate 2024 |
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) - Faculty of Economics and Management |
1 | 137 ‰ |
Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) - Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business |
2 | 74 ‰ |