
Business Schools Ranking in Yemen

In the strategic vision for the next 25 years since 2000, the government has committed to bring significant changes in the education system, thereby reducing illiteracy to less than 10% by 2025. Although Yemen's government provides for universal, compulsory, free education for children ages six through 15, the U.S. Department of State reports that compulsory attendance is not enforced. The government developed the National Basic Education Development Strategy in 2003 that aimed at providing education to 95% of Yemeni children between the ages of six and 14 years and also at decreasing the gap between males and females in urban and rural areas. University education is of 4 years except for Engineering and Medicine which requires 5 to 6 years respectively.

There are 7 public universities in Yemen: Aden University, Amran University of Technology, Dhamar University, Hadhramout University, Higher Institute for Inspection & Guidance, Hodeidah University, Ibb University, Sana'a University and Taiz University. There are 5 private universities and religious universities. Also, there are two community colleges in Sana'a and Aden.
The enrollment in public universities is about 174,000 in 2005/06 and about 12,000 are enrolled in private universities (2005/06). Thanawiya examinations' results are very important for getting into university and the required score varies depending on each faculty. The percentage who pursues university education is less than 10 percent.

Useful Sites for Studying in Yemen
Yemen Tourism:

Scholarships for Studying in Yemen
Study in Yemen:

Academic Institutions per Palmes of Excellence League in Yemen 1 school

Schools with 5 Palmes
Schools with 4 Palmes
Schools with 3 Palmes
Schools with 2 Palmes
Schools with 1 Palme

Business Schools Ranking in Yemen

1 Palme Of Excellence LOCAL Reference

Rank Position in
Palmes’ League
Deans’ Recommendation
rate 2024

Queen Arwa University - College of Commercial Sciences and Administration

1 158 ‰

The Eduniversal Selected Schools list aims to highlight institutions by country are not yet eligible for a Palmes of Excellence League entry but are on a positive path toward achieving it.
The schools on the Eduniversal Selected list have been recognized by Eduniversal for their innovative projects, disruptive energy, and growing potential.
British University in Yemen
Faculty of Business & Finance - Al-Nasser University