
Business Schools Ranking in Switzerland

The Swiss educational system is as varied and exciting as the Swiss landscape. Mirroring the diversity of languages, cultures and history in Switzerland, it is built on a complex interplay between the Confederation, the cantons and the communes. While the Swiss Constitution guarantees autonomy to the country's 26 cantons in the area of education, the Federal Government and cantons share responsibilities of higher education on the tertiary level.

Higher education in Switzerland comprises of academic studies at the 10 cantonal universities and the 2 Federal Institutes of Technology. With their different histories, approaches, and research focuses, as well as their language diversity, the 10 cantonal universities and the 2 Federal Institutes of Technology are poised to usher a multicultural Switzerland into the future. They all share a drive for quality in teaching and research, an ambition for excellence, the flexibility to cater to a multitude of demands, and the foresight to anticipate future requirements and challenges. This results in their consistently being ranked among the best universities in the world.

Masters programs at Swiss Universities
The prerequisite for access to a Master's programme is the successful completion of a Bachelor's programme. Each university makes its own decisions as to whether a Bachelor's degree obtained in a foreign country gives its holder access to Master's programmes in Switzerland. The university may set additional requirements, equally applicable to all candidates, for admission to specialized Master's programmes.

Useful Sources for Studying in Switzerland:
Studying in Switzerland:

Scholarships for Studying in Switzerland:
The Swiss Government offers scholarships to foreign students and artists on the basis of reciprocity or within the framework of a scholarship pool to several countries. Scholarships are granted to postgraduate candidates or researchers from both industrial and development countries. Candidates should, in the first instance, find out from their own country's authorities whether they are entitled to a government scholarship or should approach the Swiss embassy or consulate (http://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home/reps.html) in their home country.

Academic Institutions per Palmes of Excellence League in Switzerland 9 schools

Schools with 5 Palmes
Schools with 4 Palmes
Schools with 3 Palmes
Schools with 2 Palmes
Schools with 1 Palme

Business Schools Ranking in Switzerland

5 Palmes Of Excellence UNIVERSAL Business School

Rank Position in
Palmes’ League
Deans’ Recommendation
rate 2024

IMD Business School

1 495 ‰

Universität St. Gallen School of Management

2 453 ‰

Université de Lausanne - HEC Lausanne

3 347 ‰

4 Palmes Of Excellence TOP Business School

Rank Position in
Palmes’ League
Deans’ Recommendation
rate 2024

Université de Genève - Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM)

1 105 ‰

3 Palmes Of Excellence EXCELLENT Business School

Rank Position in
Palmes’ League
Deans’ Recommendation
rate 2024

University of Zurich - Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics

1 295 ‰

ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Department of Management, Technology and Economics

2 284 ‰

Geneva Business School

3 242 ‰

International University in Geneva (IUG)

4 84 ‰

2 Palmes Of Excellence GOOD Business School

Rank Position in
Palmes’ League
Deans’ Recommendation
rate 2024

Iimt - International Institute Of Management In Technology University Of Fribourg

1 53 ‰

The Eduniversal Selected Schools list aims to highlight institutions by country are not yet eligible for a Palmes of Excellence League entry but are on a positive path toward achieving it.
The schools on the Eduniversal Selected list have been recognized by Eduniversal for their innovative projects, disruptive energy, and growing potential.
AGSB - American Graduate School of Business
Business School Lausanne
Ecole Hôtelière Les Roches
EHL Hospitality Business School
Glion Institute of Higher Education
IFM Business School
Montreux Business University
SBS Swiss Business School
University of Basel
University of Bern
University of Business and International Studies (UBIS), Geneva
University of Lucerne
University of Lugano
University of Neuchatel - Faculty of Economics and Business
ZHAW - Zurich University of Applied Sciences Winterthur, School of Management and Law