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Generally, A-Level or CAPE examinations are required to enter the nation's Universities. One may also qualify after having earned a 3-year diploma from an accredited post-secondary college. The word college usually denotes institutions which do not grant at least a bachelor's degree. Universities are typically the only degree granting institutions; however, many colleges have been creating joint programs with universities, and thus are able to offer some students more than a college diploma. A few universities in the United States have extension programs in various parts of Jamaica. Most of the students who enroll in these part-time programs are working professionals who want to continue their education without having to relocate closer to the nation's Universities.
Useful Sites for Studying in Jamaica
Jamaica Tourist Board: http://www.visitjamaica.com/
Visit Jamaica: http://www.visitjamaica.com/
Scholarships for Studying in Jamaica
Study in Jamaica: http://www.collegescholarships.org/scholarships/country/jamaica.htm
2 Palmes Of Excellence GOOD Business School |
Rank Position in
Palmes’ League |
Deans’ Recommendation
rate 2024 |
University of The West Indies - Mona School of Business and Management |
1 | 147 ‰ |
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