
Business Schools Ranking in Ecuador

Latin America

The education system in Ecuador is divided into 4 levels: pre-primary, primary, secondary and higher education.A preprimary school isn't mandatory education for those 2 to 6 years of age. Education is compulsory and free for children ages from 6 to 14, though families deal with additional charges suchlike fees and transportation corst. 

Schooling is required and free for children ages 6-14; however, despite being 'free,' related costs such as textbooks prevent many children from attending school. Private schools make up almost 20% of primary schooling and more than 40% of secondary schooling. The private schools operate almost 20% of the primary and secondary schools. Students who attended privaye school compose nearly 20% in the primary education and more than 40% in secondary level. The Ministry of Education mandates all the educational programs except for higher education, which is administered by a national techncal council.
Ecuador has at least 61 universities and several of which offer graduate levels. 

Eduniversal in Ecuador: 2 schools
Schools with 5 Palmes 0
Schools with 4 Palmes 0
Schools with 3 Palmes 2
Schools with 2 Palmes 0
Schools with 1 Palme 0

Useful Sites for Studying in Ecuador:
Department of Planning and Financing, Ministry of Education:

Scholarships for Studying in Ecuador:
Study in Ecuador :

Official Selection of the Best Business Schools in Ecuador

3 Palmes Of Excellence EXCELLENT Business School

Rank Position in
Palmes’ League
Deans’ Recommendation
rate 2023

ESPAE Graduate School of Management - ESPOL

1 148 ‰

Universidad del Pacífico Escuela de Negocios

2 36 ‰

  • Pontifica Universidad Catolica del Ecuador
  • Universidad Santiago de Guayaquil
  • USFQ Business School- Universidad San Francisco de Quito