Business Schools Ranking

IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management - AIX Marseille University


Aix-Marseille Université

Jardin du Pharo

58 boulevard Charles Livon



3 Palmes

EXCELLENT Business School

Eduniversal Rankings
Deans’ Recommendations


    Not completed by the school

    Number of Faculty Staff
    Number of International Faculty Staff
    Number of Labs/Research centers
    Total International Students
    Total Students
    Average international students fees
    Aversage domestic student fees
    Proportion of graduates employed
    Number of Careers advisors
    Number of Faculty Staff

    Not completed by the school

    Not completed by the school

    Not completed by the school

    Not completed by the school

Programs Included In The Eduniversal Ranking Of The Best Master & Mba

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MSc Corporate Communication and Change Management

IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management - AIX Marseille University

See the Ranking 2022 - 2023

MSc 2 Management, speciality Human Resources & Management of Relations

IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management - AIX Marseille University

See the Ranking 2022 - 2023

MSc 2 Management, speciality Marketing & Brand Management

IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management - AIX Marseille University

See the Ranking 2022 - 2023

Magistère Droit, Fiscalité et Comptabilité

IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management - AIX Marseille University

See the Ranking 2022 - 2023

Master Droit des affaires Spécialité Droit et fiscalité de l'entreprise

IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management - AIX Marseille University

See the Ranking 2022 - 2023

Master en Management Public IMPGT

IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management - AIX Marseille University

See the Ranking 2022 - 2023

MSc 2 Management, spécialisation Audit & Corporate Governance

IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management - AIX Marseille University

See the Ranking 2022 - 2023

MSc 2 Management, speciality International Finance

IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management - AIX Marseille University

See the Ranking 2022 - 2023

MSc 2 Management Speciality International Business

IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management - AIX Marseille University

See the Ranking 2022 - 2023

Executive MBA

IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management - AIX Marseille University

See the Ranking 2022 - 2023

Master 2 Gestion des établissements sanitaires et sociaux

IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management - AIX Marseille University

See the Ranking 2022 - 2023

Master 2 Droit et management publics des collectivités territoriales

IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management - AIX Marseille University

See the Ranking 2022 - 2023

Master de Négociation Internationale et Interculturelle

IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management - AIX Marseille University

See the Ranking 2022 - 2023

Master professionnel Qualité

IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management - AIX Marseille University

See the Ranking 2022 - 2023

MSc Gouvernance des systèmes d'information

IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management - AIX Marseille University

See the Ranking 2022 - 2023

Master 2 des Métiers de la Mode et du Textile

IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management - AIX Marseille University

See the Ranking 2022 - 2023

Master 2 Recherche,Etudes et Conseil en Sciences de Gestion

IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management - AIX Marseille University

See the Ranking 2022 - 2023

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