EduniversalBusiness Schools Ranking

School of Economics and Management of University of Minho

2 Palmes GOOD Business School

Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057


Eduniversal Rankings
Deans’ Recommendations



It is with great pride and satisfaction that, in my capacity of Dean of the School of Economics and Management at the University of Minho, I welcome you to get to know an innovative School that rests upon competent leaders and citizens holding a broad social awareness.

The School of Economics and Management of the University of Minho, one of the youngest and most prestigious universities in the country in accordance with national and international rankings, outstands more and more in the national and international spheres as an Erudite, Cosmopolitan and Proactive School. Erudite in the sense that it promotes the production and dissemination of knowledge; Cosmopolitan by the diversity and richness of its areas of knowledge, and Proactive in the pursuit of its goals and achievement of its ambitions in a process intended to be dynamic and evolutionary.

We are proud to offer solid education and training, based upon the scientific knowledge of a well-qualified faculty holding experience in top management positions of known companies, and who are very often commissioned to perform consultancy services by entities such as the Ministries of Finance, Education, and of the Economy, AICEP, Microsoft Portugal, among many others.

In addition to the prestigious range of faculty and professionals, the quality of the facilities and support materials do make a difference in favoring and providing knowledge based upon free lengthy discussion of ideas in an informal setting in line with a sharing dichotomy between teacher-student, and, from very early stages, blended with society and the surrounding corporate fabric through internships/volunteering initiatives in various companies such as Sonae, Deloitte, Bosch, Primavera Software or the Spark Agency. Such strategy has positive and long-lasting benefits for the academia, society and, most importantly, to the students' academic, professional and social development.

Our faculty is widely and comprehensively qualified, with over 90% holding PhDs awarded by internationally recognised universities such as the University of Oxford, Cornell University, and the London School of Economics, who, combined with knowledgeable managers, CEO's of reputable companies and consultants ensure the excellence and merit of our programs. Our School builds successful projects, combining the usual cycles of studies, whose completion awards you with a degree (undergraduate, master or doctorate), with over 100 extracurricular activities for the enrichment of your soft skills and specialized training.

EEG favors and nurtures the application of a methodology which relies itself upon case studies and project work. This concept envisions the practical and direct implementation of the acquired knowledge, a hands-on-business approach and problem-based learning. The aim is to empower students with knowledge and skills to enable them to develop effective and efficient solutions to urgent and complex challenges of the current and global business fabric.

Build your future with us and be part of the excellent range of successful professionals holding positions in most prestigious companies in Portugal and worldwide. Do come to visit us, get to know us and contact us for any additional information. Do not hesitate to be part of the School of the future and delve into knowledge and science in a friendly environment.


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