EduniversalBusiness Schools Ranking

School of Economics and Management of University of Minho

2 Palmes GOOD Business School

Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057


Eduniversal Rankings
Deans’ Recommendations

  • Accreditations

  • Statistics

    Number of Faculty Staff83
    Number of International Faculty Staff3
    Number of Labs/Research Centers2
    Total International Students392
    Total Students2565
    Average international student fees4500€ (bachelor), 1500€ (master), 2750€ (PhD)
    Average domestic student fees1037,20€ (bachelor), 1500€ (master), 2750€ (PhD)
    Number of Careers advisors2
  • Equipment

    The School of Economics and Management can be found in Gualtar Campus, the University of Minho's largest campus. This campus also includes a set of services such as a general library, several specialized libraries, a canteen, a university restaurant, a grill, seven bars, a medical station, a sports complex and two copy centers.

    The School offers several rooms for the students to study and also computers with access to several databases.

  • Memberships

    Name of the entityBrief description of the membership
    EFMDBe part of a dynamic, relevant and diverse network, sharing the common objective of developing effective and socially responsible leaders and managers.
    CFA Institute University Affiliation ProgramIt signals to potential students, employers, and the marketplace that the University of Minho (School of Economics & Management) curriculum is closely tied to professional practice and is well-suited to preparing students to sit for the CFA examinations.
    PRME – Principles for Responsible Management EducationIt is the largest voluntary engagement platform for academic institutions to transform their teaching, research, and thought leadership in support of universal values of sustainability, responsibility, and ethics.
    United Nations Global CompactIt is our compromise to align strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption, and take actions that advance societal goals.
    GUPES – The Global Universities Partnership on Environment for SustainabilityTo promote the integration of environment and sustainability concerns into teaching, research, community engagement, the management of universities including greening of university infrastructure/facilities/operations, as well as to enhance student engagement and participation in sustainability activities both within and beyond universities.
    EUA – European University AssociationHaving access to unique opportunities to influence and shape future European policy and initiatives affecting higher education and research.
    CRUSOE – Conselho de Reitores da Universidades do Sudoeste da Europa




    International Sustainable Campus NetworkBe part of a global forum to support leading colleges, universities, and corporate campuses in the exchange of information, ideas, and best practices for achieving sustainable campus operations and integrating sustainability in research and teaching.
    AULP – Associação das Universidades de Língua Portuguesa

    Share and exchange information with Universities from Portuguese Speaking Countries.


    CEER – Centro de Estudos Euro Regionais GalizaThe search of synergies and complementarities in the university academic centers of the Euro region with the purpose of reinforcing the capacities between the universities of Galicia and the North of Portugal.
    CGU – Compostela Group of UniversitiesFostering cooperation and promoting dialogue in all fields related to higher education between the member Universities.
    SGroup – Santander Group European Universities NetworkStrengthen our institutional capacities and reinforce our international visibility, expand our collaboration opportunities in education and research and improve the quality of our governance, teaching, research and administrative practices.


  • Partnerships

  • Campuses

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